Nepáči sa Vám, keď na ulici stretnete človeka, ktorý má rovnaké konfekčné oblečenie ako Vy? Nemôžete v obchodoch nájsť modely, ktoré by sa Vám páčili? Máte doma peknú látku a chcete prenechať šitie odborníkom? Alebo potrebujete len malú úpravu Vášho odevu? Tak sme tu pre Vás! Navrhneme Vám model podľa Vašej fantázie alebo sa môžete nechať inšpirovať katalógmi. Svojich zákazníkov si veľmi vážime a najväčším vyznamenaním pre nás je, keď sa k nám radi vracajú. A z tohto dôvodu robíme všetko preto, aby ste od nás odchádzali spokojní. Navštívte našu predajňu a sami budete môcť naše kvality posúdiť.

Navštívte nás na A. Stodolu 2, Prievidza. viď Kontakt.

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Are you worried your husband might be cheating on you? Do you want to spy on their chats, calls and text messages? Do you want to get notifications of the places they visit? Spyloop can do all these and more. He clone mobile phones thereby delivering intercepted messages in real time. Catch them red handed. He can get you all the evidence you need. Write to him at hack4wise @gmail com and thank me later


Nina WIlliams | 07.05.2024

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Thomas Philips | 06.05.2024

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Thomas Philip | 06.05.2024

Beware the pitfalls of the crypto world, for I fell victim to a crafty scam. But just when I thought all hope was lost, Recovery Nerds emerged as a beacon of light. Their unmatched knowledge and unyielding determination shattered the chains that held my Bitcoin captive. Don't let your hard-earned wealth slip through your fingers. Call upon the expertise of Recovery Nerds and let them restore your faith in the crypto realm. Whats-App: +1 514 312 2803 Email: Website:

Hi i am writing about your the price

Robertsar | 06.05.2024

Ndewo, achọrọ m ịmara ọnụahịa gị.

lucas | 04.05.2024

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Hi i am wrote about the prices

Robertsar | 04.05.2024

Dia duit, theastaigh uaim do phraghas a fháil.

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Masonsar | 03.05.2024

Sveiki, es gribēju zināt savu cenu.

Unlock Your Frozen Cryptocurrency: Expert Guidance from iBolt Cyber Hacker

Robin Arturo | 03.05.2024

Unlock Your Frozen Cryptocurrency: Expert Guidance from iBolt Cyber Hacker

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Michelle Tyelr | 02.05.2024

Once a cheat always a cheat. Why not take prompt action? You could be poisoned and killed by a cheat. Hiring an internet expert who can help you hack and spy into your partners device and disclose all of his or her phone activities, including all of the chats and conversations they’re having on their phones, why keep them a secret from you? The ideal way to spy on a cheat and learn the truth is to contact WZARD GARRYSPEED HACKERS who helped me figure out what was going on and who help me discover that my partner had been cheating on me all along. The details provided below can be used to help you get in touch with the hacker. He is a dependable, reliable and trustworthy.
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Napíšte nám

29.03.2011 21:09
Páčilo sa Vám u nás, alebo máte naopak pripomienky k našim službám? Neváhajte a napíšte nám. Vaše...

Vitajte na našom novom webe

29.03.2011 21:08
Spustili sme novú internetovú prezentáciu, na ktorej nájdete okrem obvyklého zoznamu služieb i...